Monday 31 March 2014

How Did the PRODUCTION and MARKETING / DISTRIBUTION of "Skyfall" and "The Woman in Black" Influence its Success at the Box Office?

During this essay, I will be discussing the methods in which British film is produced and distributed to targeted audiences. I will be using my case studies, which are Hammer Films and EON Productions. I have picked these due to the fact that Hammer Films isn't part of a media conglomerate, making them an independent company with a limited budget, whereas EON Productions belongs to SONY, which has many advantages that allow them to produce expensive films, and so is known as one of the largest media conglomerates.

EON Productions has produced their 23rd entry Skyfall belonging to the longest-running franchise in history; the Bond series. Due to the fact that EON Productions belong to SONY Corporation gave them a great advantage from the media conglomerate. One of the advantages was the large budget. The film's budget totalled up to an estimate of $200,000,000. With all the money in EON's hands, they were able to make Skyfall take second place in production budget amongst the Bond films. One ways which Skyfall is significant compared to the rest of Bond films was the staff using cameras that were specially made to produce footage that is capable of being shown in IMAX venues. With this feature, audiences were able to witness the film in excellent high definition. Of course, IMAX tickets expense is much higher than those of regular tickets, which meant a high increase in the US box office gross. This has allowed Skyfall to reach a massive estimate of $88,000,000 just from the opening weekend, summing up to $304,000,000 overall. According to worldwide figures, Skyfall reached over $1,108,000,000, making it top most earned film of the Bond series, furthermore highest-grossing film worldwide for its media conglomerate, SONY Corporation  This meant that the media conglomerate gained masses of power over the society in which it starves for multimedia technologies. With this in mind, SONY Pictures began marketing and distributing the film Skyfall well before the release date.

One way in which SONY Corporation managed to attract huge numbers of audiences to Skyfall was promoting the movie during the opening ceremony for the Olympics in London. His appearance alongside the Queen formed a hype amongst the billions of global viewers. This continued on via word of mouth, the most powerful tool of all. As the excitement was passed on person to person, VisitBritain partnered with British Airways, Radisson Blu hotels and Twentieth Century Fox on the Bond campaign. They launched their first international movie ad to encourage visitors from abroad to get the real experience of living like Bond. This pulled audiences from all over the world closer when encouraged by the fact that they can get the feel of the luxuries Bond gets, furthermore get closer to the movie's setting as it sets the mood in which Skyfall was focused in when at its best luxurious moments. However, the campaign was only set to reach 6 locations; Sao Paolo and Rio de Janeiro in Brazil; Los Angeles; Berlin; and Sydney and Melbourne in Australia. But the limited locations are backed up by the synergy of multimedia such as print, outdoor, and digital ads that reach mass audiences.

SONY paired up with Clear Channel, who is the world's leading advertiser to outdoor advertisement. Because of SONY's power, they were able to afford the use of famous billboards that extend across Cromwell road in London, which are owned by Clear Channel. These billboards, are known to affect the box office greatly with the features of a film. SONY took this opportunity to promote Skyfall and increase the hype amongst the many audiences that pass through Cromwell road, which made Skyfall SONY's most grossed film of all time.

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